Anjar Syaefa

Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Travel to Curug "Leuwi Hejo"

Assalammu'alaikum Warohmatulah Wabarokatu

Curug "Bengkok" or better known "Leuwi Hejo" is a recreation area several years ago rising, managed by local people. Located in the "middle reef Village, babakan madang, Sentul, Bogor" early I thought, is there a waterfall in the village because I assume Middle reef village is just an hills which surrounded the forest, after hearing rumors and stories on the website eventually me and my friends are curious and the following week rush to go there. With a capitalization of 2 motorcycles and mediocre money we arrive there, of course with steep tracks as well as a sense of weary of the Chase, fatigue, we also paid off in full with a view of indulgent eye and typical mountain air is very fresh. Not long we immediately plunge down a waterfall, the first impression we see is his clear water, in keeping with its name "Hejo" meaning "green". Then we take a dip and the impression is very cold the water is, if we go get the cold water is increasingly impressed, in fact I went to shudder (Its overkill, but I was actually shivering ... he he he).

 There provided the rope to climb to the top of the rock is big enough where the stone is footing to jump down a waterfall. According to local people in her up to 4 meters so it is still safe for teens or adults who want to plunge. Does not feel the 3 hours pass so short we also break and hurried to return home. Although time has shown during the day but very cold water there anyway, so no need to worry about stifling disanah, he he he. With a capital of Rp 20.000 you can enter the nature tourism curug leuwi hejo, enough with the facilities provided by the Committee. All this And thanks Wasalammu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

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